A Conceptual Presentation.
This University does not presently exist. In the belief the United States has to reinvent
itself to dig out of our current hole, and to find success in the new century, this is one man's idea of a start. All
content on this site in every detail is the work of George Delany, ©2011 aaaForay, Inc., and cannot be copied, reproduced
or otherwise appropriated without the express permission of the creator. Welcome
to the University of Fall River, Massachusetts USA, one of the great privately funded, technology-driven, international,
educational institutions of the 21st Century. Mission: Every graduate is a steward of the earth.
Students Prepared for the 21st Century |

Concept Only: University of Fall River by George Delany |
UFR Administration Building |

College of International Culture & Heritage |

International Faculty Village |

College of Engineering & Materials Chemistry |

By George Delany |
Offices of Safety & Security |

Administration, South |

Coughlin College of Nursing |

Hartwell Facilities |

Laurel Lake College of IT |

Stone College of Library Sciences |

Athletics, Bayside Facility |

College of Innovation & Enterprise |

Department of News & Information Services |

College of Global Stewardship |

Belisle College of Law |

Davol College of Interplanetary Studies |

Healy College of Linguistics |

NB Borden College of Behavioral Economics |

Westall College of Transportation Studies |

College of Energy Studies |

College of Marine Sciences |

College of Religious Studies |

College of Vocational Arts |

Brayton College of Agriculture & Agronomy |

Fowler College of Music |

Highland College of Cyber Studies |

Osborne College of Medicine |

Connell College of Institutional Leadership |

College of Manufacturing Sciences |

Overhead Sky Tran Delivers |

UFR Porpoise Stadium, East of City |

Go Porpoises!
Concept: Using
property for sale in the city of Fall River, right now, we have put together this vision of a grand new international university designed to address the most vexing problems humanity faces:
- Drive population growth in City
- Improve secondary school performance standards, increase numbers of graduates
- Bring new and better jobs to Fall River, expand tax base across the board
- Increase per-capita income across the board
- Attract new business, encourage
new start-ups across city's 60 mills (~10M square feet)
- Spawn new think-tanks, institutes
- Attract new investment capital
- Become knowledge capital of eastern Massachusetts
- Graduate the most competent, inquisitive, shrewd graduates anywhere
- Become home to
industries and products of the 21st century, test bed for new technologies designed to preserve and protect planet earth
More features, advantages and benefits to be
noted, soon. No doubt, we have not yet identified many. Stay tuned! Contact Information: George Delany, President aaaForay,
508 252 3425 gbd77@comcast.net www.aaaforay.com
©2011 aaaForay, Inc., all rights reserved.
This presentation and its related content are the creative product of aaaForay, Inc. Copy material only with the permission of the company.